Dyslexia is a term that has been loosely applied to reading difficulties. Specific
definitions for dyslexia vary with disciplines. Those in medicine define dyslexia
as a condition resulting from neurological, maturational, and genetic causes,
while those in psychology relate dyslexia on the basis of the specific reading
problems evidenced and give no reference to causation. All disciplines would
probably agree that dyslexia is evidenced by persons of otherwise normal
intellectual capacity who have not learned to read despite exposure to adequate
The dyslexic’s learning difficulties do not mean he/she cannot think, speak or be
creative. Dyslexics become writers, doctors, lawyers, poets, engineers, artists
and teachers. Just have a look at our VIP section.
What Are Some Of The Characteristics Of Dyslexia?
An individual is identified as dyslexic when a significant discrepancy exists
between intellectual ability and reading performance without an apparent
physical, emotional, or cultural cause.
This means a person may be called a dyslexic when we know that he is smart
enough to be able to learn to read but we "can't" figure out why he doesn't read.
Common characteristics include, but are not limited to:
(1) family history of reading problems;
(2) a predominant occurrence in males (males to females 8:1);
(3) an average or above average IQ and, not uncommonly, a proficiency in
(4) no enjoyment of reading as a leisure activity;
(5) problems of letter and word reversal;
(6) developmental history of problems in coordination and left/right dominance;
(7) poor visual memory for language symbols;
(8) auditory language difficulties in word finding, fluency, meaning, or sequence;
(9) difficulty transferring information from what is heard to what is seen and vice
versa. Specific reading problems associated with dyslexia include difficulty in
pronouncing new words, difficulty distinguishing similarities and differences in
words (no for on), and difficulty discriminating differences in letter sound (pin,
pen). Other problems may include reversal of words and letters (b or d, p for q,
saw for was), disorganization of word order, poor reading comprehension, and
difficulty applying what has been read to social or learning situations.
Specialised Learning Centre for Children with Dyslexia in Subang Jaya, Selangor
The word dyslexia comes from
the ancient Greek language.
Dys- comes from the Greek
dus- used as a prefix to
describe something as bad,
difficult, impaired. Lexia
comes from the Greek lexis,
which means speech.
Official Definition by the World
Federation of Neurology,
dyslexia is:
"a disorder manifested by
difficulty in learning to read
despite conventional
instruction, adequate
intelligence and sociocultural
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